Lifelong learning

Managing Python Projects

Introduction The article is the summary of this course. We need some structure to work together effectively. A good process can help us avoid mistakes. Here are some steps: Automation: machines are less prone to make mistakes than humans. Checklists: Checklists contains best practices and eliminated error that comes from forgetting things. which can refer “The Checklist Manifesto” Knowledge transfer We can pack and reuse this code in other projects by writing code in an established way. Directory Structure Overview Here’s a folder structure for a python project: project/ |- src/ | |- | |- |- test/ | |- test_project.......

MD DOC Template

Markdown document template Description This repository contains a simple template for building Pandoc documents; Pandoc is a suite of tools to compile markdown files into readable files (PDF, EPUB, HTML…). Usage Installing In order to use this makefile you will need to make sure that the following dependencies are installed on your system: GNU make Pandoc LuaLaTeX DejaVu Sans fonts Folder structure Here’s a folder structure for a Pandoc document: my-document/ # Root directory. |- build/ # Folder used to store builded (output) files. |- src/ # Markdowns files; one for each chapter. |- images/ # Images folder. |- metadata.yml # Metadata content (title, author.......

Md Syntax Preview


# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6

Theme Preview


# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6